Tree House Treats: On being Waaay past the point of "WHELM"

Tree House Treats

Crystal Light fusion Therapy [CLT] 'Theragem' at Tree of Health. Time To Shine ~ because Time is of the essence

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Location: Santa Cruz, CA, United States

threshold transitions; passing through portals... life, laughter, liberty of spirit.... and happiness ensues.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

On being Waaay past the point of "WHELM"

I am restoring WHELM to my fluid vocabulary; this is my true vernacular

"When I feel overwhelmed, waaay past the point of "whelm," (that's for my buddy Rikk) I go into hiding....." Rickie Byars Beckwith


Noun: An act or instance of flowing or heaping up abundantly; a surge.

How come we are so familiar with 'overwhelm' yet are not readily cognizant of the joys of WHELM..; the breathtaking joys of Whelm??!!

This is starting to sound like WOAD and other cool things we forgot....
WOAD BLUE SKY*:"....Your force is great, your power is immense. You only need to wish something and in the next moment it will be brought into reality."

I want to be utterly whelmed;
“Love informs life = new forms,
Life informs love = new forms
Water informs life = new forms
Life informs water = new forms..”

{ad infinitum... ahhhh yes;
that wonderful Johanna/Corrina mantrasong
from the Ridge!}

WHELM: [Middle English whelmen, to overturn, probably alteration (influenced by helmen, to cover) of whelven, from Old English -hwelfan (as in hwelfan, to cover over).]
vb (tr) Archaic.. with or as if with water
[whelmen to turn over, of uncertain origin]

Wrap me around in my Woad
I'm off to the woods...
Now here, you, this tree;
You can over~whelm me...
That's better
Heaps & heaps better :)

*The Woad Blue Sky
Author: CGriffin
Software: Photoshop

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