Tree House Treats: Bought 2 'cargo nets' today.. plus rear folding basket

Tree House Treats

Crystal Light fusion Therapy [CLT] 'Theragem' at Tree of Health. Time To Shine ~ because Time is of the essence

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Location: Santa Cruz, CA, United States

threshold transitions; passing through portals... life, laughter, liberty of spirit.... and happiness ensues.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bought 2 'cargo nets' today.. plus rear folding basket

So, once upon a time, when I was 18, you could get a little waterproof elasticated cover for your front wicker basket on a bicycle. Now no more. So this is the work-around; you buy a cargo net and it works to hold a waterproof cover over your wicker basket contents on the bike in the rain... The cargo net that has hooks that fit on a wicker basket is by ToPeak:
Then; you've got a back rack on your bike and it has no spring-loaded gripper (like the old days). Delta cargo net is the solution for that conundrum:
And lastly, my back rack is too close to my saddle to mount a milk crate on the back rack so I got a WALD rear folding basket
Am I happy?
You bet.


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