Tree House Treats: April 2012

Tree House Treats

Crystal Light fusion Therapy [CLT] 'Theragem' at Tree of Health. Time To Shine ~ because Time is of the essence

My Photo
Location: Santa Cruz, CA, United States

threshold transitions; passing through portals... life, laughter, liberty of spirit.... and happiness ensues.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

When We Cry Out

Crying Out/Arriving

Lakota Cried Out
We Cried Out

Both in Our Immutable Way of course
But the self-same Utterly Authentic
Cry Out

Drawing at last from the Earth
Vast Silence

As A Great Mist across the Moor

And to and for us all comes visceral image;
Womb Self

Lie down
Belly down
Upon the Earth

The losses are too many
too numerous
too unfathomable
and One Day do not matter
in and of themselves

But the Loss
in its Dire Density
Has Caused you
To Cry out

And To Lay Down
Belly Down
Upon the Earth;

"I don't want to meet you in ordinary places"
I don't want to meet you in ordinary places
Rises evermore strongly
Rises into mantrasong;

I don't want to meet you in ordinary places
The Peace Paths Have Been Opened

Two ears, one mouth

The Peace Paths Have Been Opened
Waitaha Has Spoken
We Are Calling You
You Are Calling
Listen Now
With Both Ears
Now Let the Song that Rises
Let the Song imbue you
Lay down
Let Go
Hold On
Let the Spirit of the Song Imbue You

1000 Hummingbird hosts Women for the Waters, 
Drawing from the wisdom of the elders 
Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Spirit
Distilling solutions; 
"All Our Relations"

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Tuesday, April 03, 2012

April 6 Tartan Day (no trousers!) With Only The Brave(OTB)

Hear Ye
All good citizens in Santa Cruz vicinity
Angela Blessing (Hummingbirds & Temple of Yes!) and Corrina McFarlane (Hummingbirds & Only The Brave/OTB) are orchestrating a fun SOVEREIGN (National Tartan Day) kilt & celtic jam downtown this upcoming Friday 6th; have a blast and pass the hat for 1000 hummingbirds...

Regina O'Reilly of Only The Brave(OTB) will be on site with kilts and with camera to record heretofore untold stories of men stepping up to be kilt wrapped.. and why..

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