Heartlines (headlines)
When the 1000 Hummingbird All Nations Women Ceremony comes around in Spring 2009, remember that we said in April 2008 that it also carried the full vision of Reconciliation of the Sexes.
It is almost 20 years since I first saw New Zealand artist Pamela Matthews 'Reconciliation of the Sexes' painting. http://www.grail.co.nz/
I first saw it on a magazine cover and it so moved me I did not rest until I stood with the artist in her studio. Thus, before I left those shores I got to be with the original painting; acrylic and standing 8 foot high; downloaded into me, literally a transmission of my deep heart dreaming; that there could be such a healing between men and women.
For Pamela, she told me, she painted that painting and her partner found his way to her shortly thereafter. For me the same; my partner found his way to me weeks later. He and I have now been weaving together for 18 years and our love is astonishing in its ever-deepening surging quality.
Now the 1000 Hummingbird ceremony has lit it up all over again. I stand in awe of what is coming.
Labels: Reconciliation of the Sexes
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