Tree House Treats: March 2008

Tree House Treats

Crystal Light fusion Therapy [CLT] 'Theragem' at Tree of Health. Time To Shine ~ because Time is of the essence

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Location: Santa Cruz, CA, United States

threshold transitions; passing through portals... life, laughter, liberty of spirit.... and happiness ensues.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Bury Me In A Basket

Bury Me In A Basket


Bury me in a basket
Curled around
A spiral coil
Of gratitude
In the ground

Let me go like compost
Turning to earth
Morph into topsoil
till my worth

Let Earth rejoice
when you lay me to rest
Make me food for the ones
Who gave me their best


"GIVING LIFE BACK TO THE EARTH - natural burial is a new idea - the idea that in choosing how and where we are buried each one of us can conserve, sustain and protect the earth... the earth from which we came and to which we shall return.."

from The Center for Natural Burial website

And check out recent article posted there "IT'S NOT EASY DYING GREEN": formaldehyde compunds used in embalming, to hardwoods used for caskets, to steel vaults and concrete; being laid in our final resting place has unwittingly become one of our least ecological acts..

It's Not Easy Dying Green is by By Michael McKinney, Fiona Brady and Hilary Dixson

Kudos to England on this one: leading the way with more than 200 'Woodland Burial' sites that double as conservation/restoration initiatives (ecological intelligence). Once the spirit has flown these precious bodies of ours can be food for trees: “Who wouldn’t prefer feeding English oaks to pushing up daisies?”


Friday, March 07, 2008

Now offering fee-based human potential services on Skype:

Human Potential Briefing
Conscious Conception
Cherish the Children
Relationships that Rock

Skype Me™!
